Julian's interest in Ki Therapy developed after he experienced severe back and knee pain over 15 years ago. After he tried several different therapy, he met Dr. Nakagawa, who has later became his Ki master, and finally experienced the benefits of Ki Therapy in 1990. Julian started to study Ki Therapy with his hope to introduce its benefit to more people in the world.
When I was high school student I began developing an interest in hunman anatomy. After graduating from high school, I entered aschool specializing in Sports Trainers program.There, in the department of Athletic Trainers, I took courses on anatomy, fitness training, sports medicine, taping, nutrition and psychology. After graduation, I studied Massage Therapy and became a qualified Reflexologiest in Japan. Working for theree years in a woman-only fittness center, I provided guidance for not only dieting, but strength building to assist in health maintenance, fittness training and stretching as well. Upon resignation, i came to Canada and began studying Ki Therapy. Presently, I offer pressure massages and reflexology.